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Sonetto VIII

Sonetto VIII is the most powerful 3-way speaker of the Sonetto collection with three 180mm woofers for the best reproduction of lower frequencies and high-end standards. We have designed a speaker that completely represents our roots. The entire collection is a true Sonus faber ...

( Sonus Faber )

Sonus faber Olympica Sonetto Vlll 3-Wege-Standlautsprecher in aufwendiger Handarbeit gefertigt

Sonetto VIII is the most powerful 3-way speaker of the Sonetto collection with three 180mm woofers for the best reproduction of lower frequencies and high-end standards. We have designed a speaker that completely represents our roots. The entire collection is a true Sonus faber that features all the iconic elements of the brand: natural sound, natural materials, the Lute shape, the excellent finishes typical of Italian craftsmanship, and manufacturing done completely in our factory in Vicenza.

